Saturday, September 15, 2018

Part 2

This time he actually did. "Fuck. My head hurts. What the fuck happened. Who are you again?"

"It’s me, Kay. I found you right after your accident. You hit black ice and crashed. The doctor said you are actually good. Just some bumps and bruises. The airbag and the fact that your rental car was a good one saved your life. Is there someone I should call for you?"

Nikki put a hand to his head and said, "Ya, but right at this second I can’t think of what the number is. Maybe you can talk to me some more so I can try to wake up out of this fog."

"Sure Nikki. I have tickets to your concert coming up. But if you have to cancel I understand. I don’t want you to think I am some ungrateful fan. I just want you to be healthy. I am sure you hear this all the time but I have the hugest crush on you. I have not told anyone you are here and it has been camera free. I am so sorry you got hurt. I am still trying to figure out why you were out here. It is a bit far from Fresno."

"Man, you are talking fast. I hardly got all of that." He said rubbing his head again."

"Sorry, I talk fast when I am nervous."

"So you found me?"


He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips and kissed it. "Thanks." He closed his eyes and laid there and for a sec she thought he had gone back to sleep. "Um, can you call my kids for me?"

"Sure. Do you want me to do that now? I have a cell and you can talk to them if you want."

"Thanks." I called his family and he said they were flying out. I was sad because I won’t have him all to myself anymore. I smiled even tho my heart was breaking already.

"Hey, " he said. He must have seen my expression. "You said you had tickets to the show right? I will see you again." He tried to smile and winced saying it hurt to smile.

"Thanks. I would be ecstatic if you were well enough to play but don’t if you are not at your best. You need to make sure it is OK with the doctor." I smiled my best ‘I am a fan in love with you’ smile.

He smiled back.

It was the night of the concert. She and Denise were in the front row screaming along with all the other Crue fanatics. It was freaking awesome! Two and half-hours later, she and Denise were back stage. Nikki hadn’t forgotten her. He had actually played one of the songs while standing right in front of her. He was very courteous to both of them but he did have his arm around her a lot.

"Kay," he started having found a quiet place for the two of us to talk, "Did you like the show?" He had his arm around me with his hand rubbing my neck behind my hair.

"How can you ask that?" I smiled at him. "Of course I liked it. You and the guys were amazing!"

"You didn’t even show me your boobs." He said jokingly with a smile.

I rolled my eyes. "These are only for your eyes. Not the tittie cam."

He leaned in and kissed me briefly and asked, "Do you mean it?"

"Even since I discovered you," I whispered back against his lips.

"Would you come out with me tonight? Will your friend be alright if she went home by herself?"

"I am sure she will be fine since she drove. Can you give me a ride home later?" I asked, trailing a fingertip over his tat on his chest.

He tasted my lips again and said much later.
It was their last night in Fresno before heading off to another location. Nikki opened the hotel door for me and entered behind me. We barely got through the door before we were all over each other. It was pretty much a given that when I said yes we would have sex.

There was no way I would give up this opportunity. I may never see him again but I would have something to remember for the rest of my life. I mean a rock god who could have anyone he wanted would never go for me. He would probably end up with some starlet in another bad relationship.

He took my face in his hands guiding my lips to his. Each of our heads angled one way then breaking off and turning the other. His tongue mingled with mine as his arms wrapped around me. I was so wet and my pussy was so swollen. I could feel him pressed up against my crotch…hot and hard.

"Kay, You are amazing. You are the first person I have not been able to get out of my mind since Donna. I mean, I am sure you know I have not been celibate…
Like I could anyway, but I mean, you are different. Refreshing. Not Hollywood. I have thought about you non-stop since leaving the hospital. Have I told you thank you yet?" He ran his hands down my back and cupped my ass and squeezed.

"Um..ya. You have. I have always thought of you. Now that I have been able to actually touch you it is all so much more real." I ran my hands down his chest and cupped his package. He groaned.

"God, Sweetheart, that feels so good." He pressed his hips up against my hand.

"You like that big boy," I asked coyly, kissing him again.

"You little minx." He growled and moved me towards the bedroom.

Nikki grabbed the button at the top of her pants and undid it. He wanted to sink himself into her hot wet cunt. He had a lot of feelings for this woman he could not explain. He thought it was too soon after his divorce. He ran his hands up inside her shirt and pulled it off. He reveled in the fact she was ll over him. Not bad for a man over 50. He was proud that he was still in good shape thanks to his rock and roll god status. He thanked the powers that be that they were still popular after all these years.

He took a sec and cupped her chin and looked into her eyes. He was happy to see himself reflected there, not any left over baggage. He kissed her hard and laid her down on the bed. He peeled off her pants and panties. Smiling like an animal in the wild going after its prey he crawled up between her legs and 'dived at five'.
"Oh Nikki," he hear her say in breathless awe. He was also prideful in his sexual prowess! He took her to heaven a couple of times and licked up the rewards of his efforts.

"Nikki, you are amazing. I can hardly breath."

"I am glad I could be of service," he said laying back on the bed.

"Well, let me see if I can return the favor." Kay proceeded to relieve him of his pants and boots. The boots being a bit of a challenge to get off.

He propped himself up a bit to watch her as she slowly, like a tigress, slink between his legs and take his cock in her mouth.

Kay watched him close his eyes in bliss as she took his awesome cock in her mouth. Up and down with a powerful suction. He started pumping his hips in rhythm with her movements. She thought he might be getting close so she released his manhood and started reigning little kisses up and down his thighs and mouthing his balls.

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