Friday, September 14, 2018

Part 1

She lived in Mariposa, about an hour north of Fresno. She was about 30 and worked for the fire department. Weird for a girl but good money. Her dad did it and so did her grandfather. She lived on about 40 acres in a very nice log home. With her savings she was able to purchase the home of her dreams. She had yet been able to find the right guy. She was tired of failed relationships, so she just gave up for awhile and spent her time and energy outside of work on her animals. Her one secret addiction was her love of Motley Crue. One member in particular.

It was getting late in the year. November to be exact. Motley was due to play in Fresno in a couple of days. She couldn’t wait since she and a friend had front row tickets , thanks to her grandfather and his connections. She was smiling to herself while she was outside chopping wood and chatting with her dog, when she heard a crash.

"DOG. What the hell was that.?!" She exclaimed.

"Woof!" DOG replied wagging his tail.

"Come on," she said, as she ran to her truck and got it. She had a long driveway and it was faster to drive to the road. There was snow along the edges of her driveway from the snow the other night. She was thinking whoever had drove past probably hit a patch of black ice maybe since it had been sunny earlier but was now close to freezing since the sun went down.

She got to the end of the driveway and didn’t see anything. Sound carried a long way in the woods. She pulled out slowly onto the highway and went a little ways. Seeing nothing she pulled a u-ee and went the other way. About a mile the other way past her driveway she saw a car practically wrapped around a pine tree.

"Fuck!" She said with breathless awe. She was not sure she would find anyone alive in that car. She parked in front of the car and went up to it with DOG barking and whining. She looked through the window and saw a slumped over body. She pulled with all her might and finally got the door open. She had taken first aid training and assessed the situation. 

Realizing that it was maybe more than she could handle she called 911 on her cell. Nothing. Goddammit. She didn’t always get good service by her house. Think. Think, she told herself. She checked his throat for a pulse and thank goodness there was one. She saw that the man…it was a man…had some tattoos up by his throat. 

And it just now dawned on her he had black spiky hair. No, it couldn’t be. She picked up his hand and saw that tattoos on his knuckles. Every one who knew Crue knew those tats. It was Nikki. Jesus Christ. What the hell was he doing out here. And by himself. 

She needed to think fast. She told DOG to stay and guard Nik. And drove quickly back to her house. She needed to call emergency services from her home phone. She called and got her friend Denise who works for 911.

"Oh My God. Thank God I got you Denise. It’s me. You will not freaking believe this. There was a car crash about a mile south of my house. I need an ambulance. There is a car that hit black ice and crashed into a tree. The driver is still alive. He is almost 6 foot. He is in his early 50’s." She paused for a breath and continued, "Denise, tell them to hurry. I am going to let you go. You can give them more info since you know my number and where I live. Bye. I will fill you in later." I rushed around my house getting some items I thought might be necessary if the ambulance didn’t arrive in a decent amount of time.

She raced back to the car and Nikki. DOG had snuggled up to Nikki and was trying to keep him warm. She got back to him and covered him with blankets to keep him warm. She started talking; saying anything that came to mind.

"Nik. Hang in there Nik. You know I have tickets to your concert. You gotta play." She picked up his hand and traced the letters on his knuckles. "I have been in love with you since I discovered who Motley Crue was. All the girls I knew thought it was gross. But I loved heavy metal. I joined the fire department after college. My dad was a fireman and so was my grandfather. I have been to previous concerts but this is the first time I get to be in the front row."

She turned her head at DOG’s bark. A second later she heard the sirens. Thank god.

Nikki had been up at a lodge in Yosemite Park. He had a few friends staying there. He was trying to get back to Fresno when his GPS quit and he was hopelessly lost. It was dark and he totally did not see the patch of black ice. The last thing he remembered was Ozzy’s song playing on the radio…Mama I’m Coming Home. Well, maybe this time his luck had run out and he wasn’t going to make it home. Like he had a place to come home to. A broken home. But he had his kids. He had to hang on for his kids.

He wasn’t sure how long he had been there but he couldn’t open his eyes. He heard barking and a voice. Maybe he managed to make it to heaven because he could hear an angel and the angel said she loved him. He passed out again. Again he became somewhat conscious because he could feel warmth. He knew it. He was in the other place. No redemption for the wicked. But why would someone be licking his hand. Maybe he was in the kinky portion of hell. He passed out again.

The ambulance arrived and they two men rushed out and over to the car. She saw that the EMT’s where friends of hers. She gave a silent prayer of thanks. One was her cousin John and the guy with him was her neighbor Tom.

"I am so glad you guys are here. I didn’t move him since I wasn’t sure of any neck injuries. But he has been breathing ok and he still has a pulse. DOG kept him warm while I called you guys." By this point I was almost in tears. John came up and hugged her briefly and said, "It’s OK. You did good."

"You guys take extra special care of him. That is Nikki Sixx from Motley Crue."

"‘Oh man. No freaking way," said Tom. He was a Motley fiend also. So with kid gloves they got Nikki out and onto the gurney, strapped into a back and neck brace.

"I will follow you guys," She said and hopped into the truck with DOG and followed them to the ER.

A couple hours later, she had taken her dog home and came back and was allowed to sit next to him. Thank goodness they lived in a somewhat small town and there were no photographers there…yet. She was holding his hand and softly stroking it. She started talking again…mostly about anything. A few minutes later she felt a squeeze. She quickly looked at his face her heart racing.

"Nikki. Can you hear me?"

"Who are you? Where am I? Heaven. Cause you sound like an angel."

"No. You are in the hospital. You crashed your car after hitting some black ice. My name is Kay."

"HHHmmmmm…" he moaned falling back asleep.
Denise came by the hospital after her shift.

"I brought you some hot chocolate." She said handing Kay the cup and pulling up a chair. "How long have you been here?"

"For about 4 hours." She looked at Nikki and back at Denise. "Can you believe it? My rock god right here. I have loved him for so long." She sighed.

"You know you can’t keep him?" Denise said jokingly but with understanding. She loved Jon Bon Jovi and if in the same situation would be hard pressed to give him up. Kay had a tendency to take in stray and or injured animals.

"Ya," she said sadly.

"Well, hang in there and I will talk to you later."

"Oh, can you stop by and check on DOG?"

"Sure." The two of them hugged and Denise left.

The nurse came in about 2 am and said, "Kay why don’t you go home for awhile and get some rest. With his head injury he will probably sleep for awhile. I will call you if there is any change." She said sympathetically.

"Sure Jill. I will go. But you will call me right?"

"Yes. Go. Just be careful driving home."

"I will." Later on that morning Kay was back at the hospital.

Kay was straightening his blankets when she heard him moan again. She moved up by his head and stroked his forehead and whispered, "Nikki. Open your eyes."

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