Saturday, September 15, 2018

Part 3 The End

Nikki thought his head would explode or at least one of them. Man she could suck a golf ball through a garden hose. Somehow, though, she knew instinctively when to stop before he popped. He was so ready to fuck her. He rolled her over and laid on top of her and started to kiss and lick the twins eliciting moans of ecstasy from her.

"Oh Nik. Don’t stop. That feels so good." She was practically writhing under him. "Nikki! Now! I need you inside me! Fuck me!"

He spread her wide under him and slowly sank into her. He almost came right then; she was so hot and silky. He set a steady rhythm at first.

"Kay…Oh…God…. You are so hot. You feel so good," He whispered.

"Harder," was her reply.

Pretty soon the two of them raced to a magnificent climax leaving them panting and sweaty.

He looked down upon her face and saw tears in her eyes and her heart. He smiled his best Nikki Sixx smile and kissed away her tears.

A couple months later Kay and a few of her co-workers were on their way to a particularly bad fire between where she lived and Sacramento. Later that day it got real intense and her and another fireman got hurt. They took them both to the hospital. Tom and her cousin John showed up to make sure she was OK.

"So Doc, how is she?" John asked.

"She will be OK. A small concussion and some smoke inhalation. We are going to keep her a couple of nights to make sure she is OK."

"Thanks Doc." The two of them sat by her bed.

Tom said, "You think she still has a thing for Nik?"

"She would never admit it, but after that concert I think she misses him a lot, even though she will deny it," John replied.

"Think maybe we could try to call him. I think it would be good for her spirits if he called or came by or something," Tom said speculatively.

"Maybe," John said picking up her cell phone. "Maybe she has his number in her cell since they were pretty friendly." They searched her phone list and found a number that was listed under NS. They called and low and behold it was Nikki’s number. They left a message and hoped for the best.

Kay slowly woke up. Her throat felt like it was on fire and her head hurt. She got hurt trying to protect a new recruit. She thought they were both OK, but she hadn’t seen anyone or talked to anyone. She managed one eye first then another, slowly looking around her hospital room.

She looked to the side and saw Nikki. She couldn’t believe it. How did he know? Get here? "What…" she managed to rasp out. She couldn’t talk cause it hurt so badly and she couldn’t catch her breath.

"Hey," He said softly brushing a hand over her head. "What are you doing laying in bed? I thought you were a super hero firefighter?’"

She looked at him with a question in her eye, frowning, trying to get him to read her mind and tell her why he was there.

"OK. I got a message from a Tom or John. Not sure which. They said a certain gorgeous woman got hurt and needed some TLC." He smiled down and her and then kissed her lightly on the mouth. "Do you need anything? A drink of water?"

She nodded yes and he helped her with a drink of water. She managed to whisper, "How long?"

"I am sorry baby but not long. I flew in just for the day and I need to get back to the tour." He kissed her again and said, "I miss you."

She tapped her chest to indicate she missed him. She reached out and laid her hand on his chest and closed her eyes loving the feel of him. A few tears leaked out cause she liked him a lot and didn’t want him to leave.

He wiped a tear away and said, "Me too." He felt the same way but still wasn’t ready to get into a serious relationship. He stayed as long as he could.

Kay was out riding her horse, as it was her day off. It had been about 2 months since she had got hurt. It was a quiet day with no fires or rescues needed. But she kept a beeper in case an emergency came up. She missed Nikki. They had talked and right now they were dating but not like seriously since he had been burned by Donna. He would call occasionally and text, but she held no expectations. She treasured every moment with him. She called to DOG and headed back to her house.

Once inside she saw she had a message on her landline answering machine.

"Hey super hero I will be there tonight. Miss me? Love you."

She twirled around in happiness and started to get ready. She had a special night planned for just such an occasion. He had recently mentions he would love to make love while she had on some of her fire person clothing like the helmet, coat and boots. He was going to be so pleased.

Nikki rented a four-wheel drive SUV this time, as he was not going to take any chances with bad weather. He was so excited to see Kay. He had missed her terribly. He had been thinking a lot about making their relationship more serious. He was slowly getting over his being gun shy about committing again. And the kids said they liked her after they had met awhile ago.

He pulled up into her driveway and parked. He was about to knock on the door when he saw a note…."Cum on in" Hhhmmm..loved the choice of words.

He saw that the house was dark except for candles lighting his way to her bedroom. When he got in there he found another note asking him to get nekked and on the bed. Well, who was he to not follow directions?

A few minutes later she came out from the bathroom. She had her helmet on and a pair of rubber boots. She had nothing on under the coat and she had it hanging off her shoulders but the flaps of the coat in her hands holding like a movie star would wear a fur coat and her arms were pushing up her boobs.

"I heard there was a fire that needed to be put out," she said as provocatively as possible.

He smiled. He was right in thinking this might work. "I have your ‘fire’ right here baby! Cum and put it out."

The End.